UnitetheArts Weekly Honorable "Art" Mention - Shepard Fairey 8-12-22

This Weeks Honorable "Art" Mention is greatly gifted by UnitetheArts Social to Shepard Fairey UnietheArts is proud to present our Favs: ...

3 years ago, comments: 0, votes: 0, reward: $0.00

This Weeks Honorable "Art" Mention is greatly gifted by UnitetheArts Social to Shepard Fairey

UnietheArts is proud to present our Favs:

Official Website: https://obeygiant.com/

Official Socials:

All about Shepard Fairey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepard_Fairey

Shepard Fairey: The Power of Art

Thank you so much for being here on this earth!